A study has hit the airwaves. "Infants have 'amazing capacities' that adults lack." I am so pleased that this kind of research confirms the awesome nature of children. They are programmed to connect with their caregivers. The sooner we realize this, the better. Too many people still believe that infants are "blank slates" that we must write on. How can anyone who holds a baby believe this? Infants come out eager to connect.
They are doing their part. They are open and receptive. Now, we need to do ours. When we talk to them, they are refining the details of language which are already intricately stamped in their brain cells. They are socially memorizing our faces and expressions. The tone of our voice speaks volumes. The way we carry them, close to the skin or in a plastic seat, these things matter.
We need to trust the significance of our connection to them, so they can learn to trust us. We need to talk with them. We need to hold them. They need us to comfort them. Care for their basic needs. We cannot spoil infants with this kind of love and care. In fact, their potential is limited when we don't do these things.
How can we get the word out about this? If we could, it would change the world. If everyone knew how amazing these new beings are, how could they neglect them? Maybe if all children were raised with this kind of love and care, they would become very loving, caring people. And what a world that would be, full of human kindness. I know, it's not this simple, but let's give care and kindness a chance.
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