Monday, September 29, 2008

Juggling it all

It is hard to juggle more than two balls. I have tried to learn three. I still hope to figure that out. But it takes a different kind of coordination. Life is like this, too. The more things we have going, the harder it can be to really do them successfully. So, I have had several "balls in the air" lately and I haven't written on this web journal.

In addition to having several things going at once which is really just part of life, I have also been doing at least two things that are new, going into unfamiliar territory. Because of this, I have had to shift my priorities and there are some things that just haven't gotten done, or haven't gotten done well. I just can't do it all. I know I am not alone in this dilemma. This happens to other people all the time. And this happens to kids who are learning.

Young children are learning new things every day. Sometimes we get impatient with them because we have told them a hundred times (or so it seems) and they still aren't remembering. When we put ourselves in their shoes, we can realize that we don't always remember either. As long as we are gentle and respectful, occasional reminders are appreciated by kids. We do need to be careful this doesn't feel like nagging, because that will be tuned out in a flash. It also helps to break down tasks into small pieces.

It is not possible to juggle it all. We can learn to set reasonable priorities and find a balance. For all of us, this means including work and play, responsibilities to others and to ourselves. I hope you are able to experience a sense of accomplishment AND also have some fun today. I'm heading out for a walk with a friend. Enjoy!

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