Monday, June 29, 2009

Too many details

Our visit with family went well. There were many precious moments of just sitting and talking. I was pleased to see my sons visiting and laughing with extended family members they very rarely see. It was a pretty relaxing visit. And now that I am back home, other "stuff" calls. I always have lots of things on my list. Lots of details that are screaming to be handled. I get easily distracted by additional things that can seem to come out of nowhere and call out, "Me first!" To be honest, I am more likely to follow the call of those opportunities that sound fun or interesting. I recognize that this is a gift. Sometimes I cannot let go. Sometimes I must do all those things before any fun.

No matter what we may think we need to be doing, kids call out to us all the time! They want help. They want to show us something that is precious to them - like a dandelion flower or a spider or a rock that shines with "gold." They're fighting with each other. They are bored. Can we let go of our list of things to enjoy the moment with a child? Sometimes we are just too busy with all of the details. We need to decide what is most important.

I know that self care is critical. If I am not paying attention to my health, I am not at my best. So little things like being sure to eat a good meal, brushing my teeth, taking a walk are necessary every day. We live in a face paced world that wants me to hop on the hamster wheel and keep running. I need to remember to get off and stop. There are always priorities to juggle and reassess. What do we really need to focus on?

Life is full. Life is crazy. And life can be really challenging. So, how can we remember to take time to enjoy the moments? Sometimes it's simple (though not always easy) - Stop. Breathe. Notice.Listen. Appreciate. Just writing this was a gift for me. Thanks for being there.

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